Welcome Day Balgrist Group
The brief
Balgrist University Hospital is a non-profit private institution in Zurich, managed according to business principles and part of the Balgrist Group. Balgrist University Hospital cultivates an innovative corporate culture and employs 1'200 staff.
Every month, the University Hospital welcomes its new employees with a Welcome Day. The focus was on informative talks and tours. However, especially in today's world, where we are surrounded by a variety of media and the constant flood of stimuli associated with it, an adult's attention span quickly reaches its limits. Studies have shown that attention during a lecture drops rapidly after 20 minutes at the latest. This is unfavourable for speakers and listeners. Balgrist University Hospital was aware that their Welcome Day had to be completely redesigned for the sake of them and their new staff. The motto was modern, exciting and varied.
The solution and result
The times of the speaker-listener relationship, in which the listeners take a passive role, are over. The magic word is not "let yourself be affected" but "participate". So what does the perfect Welcome Day look like? This was precisely the question posed by the tabevents team together with the HR department at Balgrist University Hospital. The answer: the Balgrist Rally.
After a welcome with coffee and croissants, followed by a greeting from the hospital management and Human Resources and two or three short introductory sequences, the Balgrist Rallye starts straight away. The digital scavenger hunt enables new employees to explore the entire hospital area together and interactively. In addition, the importance of internal cohesion and teamwork becomes clear on the very first day. Once the employees have been divided into interdisciplinary teams, they will be equipped with an iPad. By using an integrated map of the hospital area, the teams find the different tasks. Independently, the teams discover the different buildings of the clinic, make a stop in the cafeteria or admire the therapy bath. Exciting questions about important topics such as patient needs, hygiene, data protection and internal values are answered. Entertaining photo and video tasks provide a modern and medial variety. The emotional award ceremony at the end of the rally is an unforgettable highlight.
After two hours full of fun and excitement, each team received an ideal first overview of the clinic and its values. Thanks to interaction and variety, the attention and receptiveness are maintained and the new employees have learned and memorized more than it would ever have been possible during a lecture or "normal" tour.
Welcome Day Balgrist Group
![City Hospital Waid](/.imaging/w400-png/dam/bfe1a3bd-9574-4b05-88be-dbd8d99df80b/Balgrist-Universit-tsklinik.jpg)